5GCAR (Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation) is a H2020 5G PPP Phase 2 project funded by the European Commission.
Project’s start date: 2017-06-01
Project’s end date: 2019-07-31
Project Coordinator: Dr Mikael Fallgren
Project Officer: Mr Christian Micas
approximately 28 full-time equivalents dedicated to 5GCAR during its 26-month duration.
5GCAR structure
WP1: Management [More details]
WP2: Scenarios, business and spectrum aspects [More details]
WP3: 5G V2X radio interface [More details]
WP4: 5G V2X system and architecture [More details]
WP5: Demonstrations [More details]
WP6: Dissemination and impact [More details]
5GCAR project overview
The project consortium consists of
where Ericsson is the project coordinator.